Tri-Town Democrats Hosting Gala Dinner May 2nd

TriTown Democrats Hosting Gala Dinner May 2nd

FARMINGTON — The TriTown Democrats, representing the Democratic Committees of Farmington, Milton, and New Durham, are hosting their second annual TriTown Honors Dinner on May 2.

The gala event will begin at 6 p.m. on May 2 in the Farmington Recreation Center, 531 Main St.

Last year, the TriTown Democratic Committee decided to host a TriTown Honors Dinner in order to spotlight some of the amazing people who live in the communities. The honorees dedicate their energies and efforts to make the communities better places to live, work, and raise families.

The first honorees of the awards were Ron Chagnon of Farmington and Leo Lessard of Milton. Both men served the communities well by holding local, county and state offices. After the success of that first dinner, the committee decided to make the TriTown Honors Dinner an annual event that would recognize a member of each community for the good work that individual has done to enrich the quality of life in the towns and surrounding communities.

While the TriTown committee represents a loose organization of three Democratic Town Committees, the TriTown Dinner is a non-political event, and the honorees are selected for their philanthropic work and community service, not for their political affiliation.

Everyone is welcome and invited to attend the dinner. The buffet meal will include vegetarian lasagna, baked chicken breast, and roast beef with scalloped potatoes and side vegetable choices. Salad and dessert are included.

The honors for this second annual event will go to three very deserving and well-known community members. The Farmington Committee selected Dottie Bean to receive the second Honors Award for Farmington.

The Milton Committee selected to honor Victor Joos for his contributions and the New Durham Committee will honor Cathy Allyn for her continuous work to support the New Durham community.

Tickets for the event are $25 per person, with the bring-a-friend cost of two for $45.00. You can reserve your tickets online at or by sending your reservation check to TriTown Honors Dinner, P.O. Box 637, Farmington, NH 03835.

Please include your email address, the number of tickets you want to reserve, and your choice of sponsorship, if applicable. Indicate whether you will mail a check or pay at the door. We will email you a confirmation and tell you your ticket number. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the door. The committee asks that your reserve your tickets by April 17, but they will continue to accept reservations afterward.

Special donor sponsorships for the event are also available. Sponsorships must be ordered in advance by the April 17 deadline in order to accommodate printing of the program. There are three levels of optional event sponsorship:

■ Name/logo in the program: add $5;

■ Name/logo in the program and also posted on the website event page: add $10;

■ Name/logo in the program, on the website event page, and in the credits of the event video: add $15.

The TriTown Democratic Committee is the representative body for all registered Democrats in the towns of Farmington, Milton, and New Durham, all of whom make up its membership. The TriTown Committee advocates for strong local support of our communities, and supports legislation and candidates that are community minded.

The organization’s online and local presence not only provides political, economic, and social information for the citizens of the three towns, but also encourages progressive movements in these areas at all levels of government.

Through community involvement, political action, and a shared vision, members seek to expand equity and opportunity for all residents of the towns of Farmington, Milton, and New Durham.

Milton Democratic Party Caucus-Thursday March 12th 6pm

Upcoming Tri Town Democratic Committee Meeting

Thursday, March 12, at 7:00 PM at the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton

Representative Jackie Cilley (D, Barrington) will be our featured speaker for the month of March. Jackie is a former candidate for Governor and, as a Representative, is sponsoring a bill to increase the minimum wage in New Hampshire. Jackie is a dynamic and inspirational individual who has visited our committee many times in the past, and will be talking with us about the current Legislative Session. So please mark your calendars and join us if you are interested in what's happening in our State Government.

Citizens Brave Snowstorm For Milton Candidates' Forum

Citizens brave snowstorm for Milton candidates' forum

By Susann Foster Brown

Candidates’ forum coordinator

Thursday, February 26, 2015
MILTON — Two dozen people came out the evening of Feb. 18 snowstorm to meet candidates for local office and discuss the Town budget, town warrants, and the issues Milton voters face this year. Chris Jacobs served again as Moderator for this annual event. Because of the weather, work schedules, or other commitments not all candidates attended. Most candidates are running unopposed. A full list of town candidates and details of the budget and warrants is on the Town of Milton web site:

Information about the school district can be found at:

Andy Rawson, for Selectman, who has served six months as an appointed Selectman spoke about what he has learned about town departments and services. He works for the DPW in Portsmouth, knows a good deal about the cost and condition of equipment and believes we are at the breaking point for Safety and Service for our own plow trucks and equipment.

John Katwick and Gordon Maness are running unopposed as Cemetery Trustees. John, as present chair, talked about the Town’s need for a true public cemetery and our productive relationship with the Milton Mills Cemetery Association. He hopes to expand online genealogical data. Gordy, back from Germany, was a trustee several years ago and worked with John to develop GPS data for many of the small family gravesites. Their mutual goal is respectful care for all those now at rest.

Paul Steer and Tim Long are running for separate positions on the school board. Paul has served a one-year term and does not favor new partners or busing our students out. Tim Long described his community history as teacher, administrator, and local business owner. He hopes to offer that experience and roots in the community to benefit the school district and the children the district serves.

Tim Long is also running for a Planning Board seat.

Pat Smith, for Road Agent, emphasized the 15 years he has spent as steward of the Town’s roads, equipment and town owned buildings. In particular, he “costed out” the benefits to the Town for the purchase of a new grader – its year-round- as needed use and his record of careful maintenance for maximum equipment life. Rental costs more and doesn’t buy anything to benefit the Town.

Larry Brown, who has served on a variety of committees for Town and School, is looking to return to the Budget Committee. He talked about the history of the budget as he has seen it for the last ten years. He feels that this budget is the best clear and open common effort he has seen. The Selectmen, department heads and budget committee worked together to provide the necessary services of the Town at a fair and prudent cost. He also supports the CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) as a steady, solid way to fund “Big Ticket” costs year by year.

The Town and School District vote will be held Tuesday, March 10, at The Emma Ramsey Center, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

(Susann Foster Brown is the spouse of candidate Larry Brown.)