Affordable Health Care Informational Session to be Held in Milton
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Contact: Susann Foster Brown
603 652 4306 or
Check out health insurance options with real people.
Milton, NH – Find out how the new health care law provides new insurance options for you and your family from 1–3pm at the Emma Ramsey Community Center in Milton. There will be trained assisters providing an overview of the Marketplace, who is eligible, how to enroll, and options for those with limited incomes. The free and friendly event will have options to talk with real people and ask health insurance questions.
If you do not have affordable insurance, or are concerned about losing your insurance in 2014, this event will help you understand what your new options are. Representatives from local organizations: Cognosante, Avis Goodwin, and the State Employees Association of NH will provide a brief presentation and then engage in a question and answer session. Information will be provided on sign-up assistance, including upcoming enrollment fairs and the opportunity to set up in-person and local assistance for enrollment.
What: ACA (Obamacare) Educational Event
Where: Emma Ramsey Community Center, 424 White Mtn Hwy (Rte 125), Milton, NH
When: Sunday, December 8, 2013, 1–3 pm
Who: Open to the public
The session is co-sponsored by the Town Democratic Committees of Milton, Farmington, and New Durham. If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Joe Cicirelli, Certified Application Councilor, State Employees Association, 603-271-3411. X119 or
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Friends of the Milton Free Public Library are accepting orders for the 6th Annual Wreath Sale. Your choice of NH Made lush balsam wreaths - decorated or plain, gorgeous garland, & kissing balls; You can even ship a decorated gift wreath anywhere in continental US.
Order blanks are available at the Library in Milton Mills, or download from Friends of Milton Free Public Library on Facebook, or send email request to Order deadline is Nov. 15; pickup at Susann Foster Brown Studio, 1362 White Mtn. Hwy, Milton, on Dec. 7 & 8. All proceeds will benefit projects of Friends of the Library.
Friends of the Milton Free Public Library are accepting orders for the 6th Annual Wreath Sale. Your choice of NH Made lush balsam wreaths - decorated or plain, gorgeous garland, & kissing balls; You can even ship a decorated gift wreath anywhere in continental US.
Order blanks are available at the Library in Milton Mills, or download from Friends of Milton Free Public Library on Facebook, or send email request to Order deadline is Nov. 15; pickup at Susann Foster Brown Studio, 1362 White Mtn. Hwy, Milton, on Dec. 7 & 8. All proceeds will benefit projects of Friends of the Library.
Susann Foster Brown, 603 652-4306
1362 White Mtn Hwy, Milton, NH 03851
1362 White Mtn Hwy, Milton, NH 03851
Great New Hampshire Pie Festival Today!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2012
12:00pm until 4:00pm
12:00pm until 4:00pm
Event admission: $10 adult, $5 child,/ Museum members $6/$3 or bring a pie for the contest and get in free.
Woods, Water And Wildlife Festival Is Set For August 10th
Friday, August 9, 2013
Woods, Water and Wildlife Festival is set for Aug. 10 Corn maze, hay rides, geo-caching, fishing, homemade food and much more…
Milton Town Beach Opens For Swimming After 13-Day Closure
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
July 4th Features Library’s 2nd Annual Soda Tasting
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Delicious locally crafted sodas will be served up to a thirsty parade crowd on Thursday, July 4th in Milton Mill’s Waumbeck Park. The soda tasting is a fund raiser for the Friends of the Milton Free Public Library. A $5.00 donation will buy you a souvenir Library shot glass and tastes of your choice of the many flavors available. This year the souvenir glass is printed in blue – pretty and cool! Parade goers will also be able to buy whole bottles, enjoy the grassy park, and hear live music for an hour or so or until the soda runs out. Come watch the parade and afterward relax, enjoy a cold drink and help support your library.
The Supreme Court Strikes Down The Defense Of Marriage Act
Molly Riley/ZumaPress
Supreme Court DOMA Decision Rules
Federal Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional
Federal Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional
Milton Free Public Library-Great Plants Available At Plant Sale Today, 10-2
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Think Spring: The Friends of the Milton Free Public Library will be having a plant sale Saturday, May 25 10AM-2PM at the Milton Free Public Library ("The Little Red Schoolhouse" 13 Main Street in Milton Mills). Organic heirloom vegetable starts will be available as will many annuals,perennials ,and herbs; buy 3 , get 1 free on select items. Proceeds will go to a children's garden at the library. Type of Event: Benefit. Region: Rochester. Saturday, May 25, 2013, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Milton Free Public Library 13 Main Street Milton Mils NH 03852. For more info visit
Milton Dems Elect 2013 Officers
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Milton Democrats met as scheduled, March 10, 3:00 p.m. At the Emma Ramsey Center. Elections were held by official caucus rules and the results are: Susann Foster Brown – chair; Ellen Kriete – Vice chair; Kestrel Cole-McCrea – Treasurer; Natalie Kelley – Secretary; James Kelley – Delegate-at-large. The attendees enjoyed a pot luck and wide-ranging discussion after the votes. Milton Democrats are open to any registered Democrat residing in Milton. For more information call Susann Brown at 652-4306 or send a message to
Milton Dems Caucus Tomorrow - March 10!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
All registered democratic voters in Milton are cordially invited to join the Milton Town Democratic Committee for our 2013 caucus and early supper potluck on Sunday, March 10, 3:00 p.m. at the Emma Ramsey Center, 424 White Mountain Hwy.
We'll start with our short business meeting where we vote for Milton Democratic Committee officers and for Milton’s delegate to the 2013 Midterm and 2014 State Convention and to the county Democratic committee. We'll enjoy the opportunity to get to know like-minded voters in your own home town.
The potluck will follow and we'll have plenty of time to discuss the issues of the day, the focus the committee members wish to take, possible actions, and the hopes for our community and the nation. Do we want to act as a committee to support local efforts like “End 68 Hours of Hunger” or provide labor for the Farm Museum’s clean-up day? What other efforts might we choose to help our Milton community?
Bring ideas, your own plate and silverware, and a dish to share!
I really hope you will make it a priority to attend. There are so many challenges for us to address – more active members lighten the work load and makes it possible for us to be a local force for good.
For more information contact: Susann Foster Brown, or 603 652 4306.
We'll start with our short business meeting where we vote for Milton Democratic Committee officers and for Milton’s delegate to the 2013 Midterm and 2014 State Convention and to the county Democratic committee. We'll enjoy the opportunity to get to know like-minded voters in your own home town.
The potluck will follow and we'll have plenty of time to discuss the issues of the day, the focus the committee members wish to take, possible actions, and the hopes for our community and the nation. Do we want to act as a committee to support local efforts like “End 68 Hours of Hunger” or provide labor for the Farm Museum’s clean-up day? What other efforts might we choose to help our Milton community?
Bring ideas, your own plate and silverware, and a dish to share!
I really hope you will make it a priority to attend. There are so many challenges for us to address – more active members lighten the work load and makes it possible for us to be a local force for good.
For more information contact: Susann Foster Brown, or 603 652 4306.
Three Candidates Vie For Two School Board Seats
Friday, March 8, 2013
Tons Of Fun At Milton Winter Carnival
Sunday, February 17, 2013
2013 State Of The Union Address Coverage
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Obama’s 2013 State Of The Union Address In Graphs
In State of the Union, Obama Presents a Powerful Progressive Agenda
On Immigration, 'Let's Get This Done'
Obama: Minimum Wage Increase Will Boost 'Rising, Thriving Middle Class'
Obama: Minimum Wage Increase Will Boost 'Rising, Thriving Middle Class'
Climate Change In Obama's Speech Draws Hesitant Optimism From Environmentalists
Town Deliberative session postponed to Sunday
Thursday, February 7, 2013
The Milton Town Deliberative Session has been postponed to Sunday, February 10, at 1:00 p.m. due to the impending storm by order of Chris Jacobs, Moderator.
The session is important. All warrant articles will be discussed including the one that would take Current Use funds away from the Conservation Commission, another that would take fiscal responsibility away from the Library Trustees and place it in the hands of the Selectmen, as well as the firehouse construction and many other issues.
Your presence can make a difference. Hope to see you there.
The session is important. All warrant articles will be discussed including the one that would take Current Use funds away from the Conservation Commission, another that would take fiscal responsibility away from the Library Trustees and place it in the hands of the Selectmen, as well as the firehouse construction and many other issues.
Your presence can make a difference. Hope to see you there.
Milton Deliberative session - School Budget
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
This Saturday, February 2 (Groundhog Day) at 1:00 p.m. Learn about school budget proposals to be voted next month...
Milton Town Offices Filing Period Opens
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Candidates for Town Offices may file their declaration of candidacy with Michelle Beauchamp, Town Clerk, from Jan. 23 through Feb. 1.
Terms expiring for Town Offices include the following: Selectman — one for 3 years;
Town Clerk/Tax Collector — one for 3 years;
Treasurer — one for 1 year;
Fire Chief — one for 1 year;
Cemetery Trustee — one for 3 years;
Library Trustee — one for 3 years;
Budget Committee — one for 1 year; one for 2 years and one for 3 years;
Trustee of the Trust Fund — one for 3 years;
Planning Board — two for 3 years;
and Zoning Board of Adjustment — two for 3 years.
In addition, there are two 3-year opening on Milton School Board, and one-year openings for School District Clerk, School District Treasurer and School District Moderator, all single positions.
Filing may be done during regular business hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Also, Saturday, Jan. 26, 8 a.m. to noon, and Friday, Feb. 1, 8:30 to 5 p.m.
Milton Residents To Vote On New Fire Station
Monday, January 14, 2013
Moose Mountain Dems Celebrate Inauguration at PPP
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Moose Mountain Area Democrats are planning on celebrating the Inauguration on Monday, January 21, 2013 starting at 5pm at Poor People's Pub in Sanbornville. The PUB will host us in the back room where we'll have access to our own big screen TV to watch the events of the day and visit with friends. Please let us know a few days before if you will be able to join us as the Pub would like a count in case they need to have more wait staff available. It is also Martin L King holiday so it could be crowded. Join us and bring your friends! Call Susann Brown for info or to RSVP - 652-4306
Farmington to Hold Inaugural Ball
Friday, January 11, 2013
In celebration of the the Inauguration of President Barack Obama, the Farmington Democratic Committee is hosting an Inaugural Ball in Farmington. The gala event will begin at 6:00 Pm on January 20th in the Farmington Recreation Center, 531 Main Street, and end at 9:00 PM.
Andrew Periale |
![]() |
Pat O'Brien |
Andrew Periale, former Rochester Poet Laureate and puppeteer will serve as the Master of Ceremonies and current Rochester Poet Laureate, Pat O’Brien, singer and songwriter, will perform some of her music for the Ball attendees. Dancing will round the evening. Hors D'oeuvres and finger foods will be available throughout the evening. Punch and sparkling ciders will also be served.
Tickets are $10.00 per person at the door, but only $8.00 per person if you reserve them in advance.
Special Donor sponsorships of the event are also available. Sponsorships must be ordered in advance. The options for event sponsorship are:
- Name/Logo in the program: add $5.00
- Name/Logo in the program and also posted on the website event page: add $10.00
- Name/Logo in the program, on the website event page, and in the credits of the event video: add $15.00
Participate in the Raffle and win Wonderful Prizes
A raffle will also be held during the evening. Tickets are $5.00 for one or 3 for $10.00.
Prizes include:
- Romantic night stay for two including breakfast at the Governor's Inn
- One 10 ft X 20 ft garden space for 2013 Growing Season at Farmington Community Gardens
- You choice of art piece from Happiness Tree Decor
News Archive-Moving Forward After The 2012 Election
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
113th U.S. Congress Sworn In
US Reps. Shea-Porter, Kuster Sworn In As Members 113th Congress
Maggie Hassan Sworn In As New Hampshire Governor
Photos from Governor Maggie Hassan's Inaugural Events.
State Employees Breakfast, January 3, 2013
Inaugural Ceremony Receiving Line, January 3, 2013
Open House Receiving Line, January 3, 2013
Inaugural Ball Receiving Line, January 4, 2013
New Legislature Taking Charge In New Hampshire
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