Larry Brown and Candace Cole-McCrea emerged victorious in Tuesday's Primary and thank each and every voter for your support. The duo will seek to win the two Strafford District 1 State Rep seats on November 6th. They will hope to be part of a return to a Democratic majority in Concord with a goal of serving all the residents of Middleton and Milton. We also thank Cory Mattocks for his run - hope to see you more active in Democratic politics.
Thank you Milton & Middleton voters
Friday, September 14, 2012
Larry Brown and Candace Cole-McCrea emerged victorious in Tuesday's Primary and thank each and every voter for your support. The duo will seek to win the two Strafford District 1 State Rep seats on November 6th. They will hope to be part of a return to a Democratic majority in Concord with a goal of serving all the residents of Middleton and Milton. We also thank Cory Mattocks for his run - hope to see you more active in Democratic politics.
civic duty
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