The Tri Town Dems of Farmington, Milton, & New Durham will hold a holiday social in December. There will be no public meeting for the group in December. We hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and we look forward to having, a busy, productive new year!
Tri Town Dems Social-No Public Meeting This Month
Saturday, December 2, 2017
SCDC Winter Social Decmber 7th, Rolland House, Rochester
You are invited to the third annual, Strafford County Democratic Committee, Winter Social. It is scheduled for Thursday evening, December 7, 2017 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Rolland House at the Governor's Inn Wakefield Street, Rochester, NH. Come, socialize, and take a break! Serving hors d'oeuvres Cash bar
One Action NH & ME Calendar
Friday, October 13, 2017
A Great tool and resource to help keep track of activities of progressive political interest in NH & ME. Check out the One NH Calendar for "...actions on civil rights, human rights, LGBTQ support, workers rights, environmental justice and more." You can submit your own events or subscribe to receive updates from other contributors.
Thank Democrats-Vote Free Or Die Bumper Stickers-Buy Now!
The Vote Free or Die bumper sticker is now available online to purchase. Buy one or buy them in bulk and raise money for your group! Visit Thank Democrats On Facebook
SCDC Fall Social Oct 22nd- Sen Bernie Sanders Keynote
Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)
Sunday, October 22, 2017 from 4-6:30 p.m.
The American Legion Hall
551 Foundry Street, Rollinsford, NH
join us for
Hors d'ouevres / Live Music / Cash Bar
Tickets: $25 per person
Tri-Town Democrats Sponsor Talk On Climate Change Oct 27th
We will host Dan Weeks on Friday, October 27, 6:00 PM for a Climate Change talk at the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton.
New Hampshire is notorious for the high cost of electricity and our reliance on 85% imported fossil fuels, which cost the average NH household $11,500 a year and severely affect our environment, economy, and public health. The NH legislature and PUC recently made a series of policy decisions around net metering, rebates, etc. that will significantly impact NH's energy future.
On October 27, at 6:00 PM in the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton, the TriTown Democrats welcome a presentation by Dan Weeks, a board member of ReVision Energy. Dan will speak about these policies and the pathways to energy independence as a state through solar and complementary breakthrough technologies. ReVision Energy is a local Certified Benefit Corp working with families, businesses, and policymakers to accelerate the transition to homegrown renewable energy and energy efficiency. ReVision considers public education an important part of their mission, and have made presentations to Rotaries, Chambers of Commerce, and other community organizations in the past.
You can read some of Dan's recent writings on climate change and clean energy in The Concord Monitor at
NHDP Mid-Term Convention 2017
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
NHDP Mid- Term State Convention 2017
Delegates: Register TODAY for the 2017 NHDP Mid-Term State Convention. Saturday, September 16th Registration and Coffee: 8 am Convention: 9 am Trainings, Caucuses, & Issue Workshops: 2 pm Manchester Memorial High School 1 Crusader Way, Manchester, NH 03103
Delegate Registration Cost:
$35 through September 1
$40 from September 2-September 14
$45 from September 16 and Day Of Registration
*Register Now to Save!*
Registration costs cover venue and equipment rental, coffee, lunch, and training costs.
Information on speakers, trainings and workshops, along with agenda coming soon!
Please check back here for more details as they become available.
Guests can register starting September 8.
Can't attend but want to sponsor a Young Democrat?
Can you sponsor the 2017 NHDP Mid-Term Convention?
Sponsorships range from $100 to $5,000. Contact for booth, program, and other information.
To RSVP via check, please send to:
105 North State Street, Concord, NH 03301
Media outlets seeking credentials for this event should contact
Questions? Contact us at 603-225-6899 or
Tri-Town Dems Meeting Thursday September 14th, 7PM
The next meeting scheduled for the Tri-Town Dems is tomorrow Thursday September 14th, at 7PM, in New Durham at the library. Olivia Zink will be there from Open Democracy to speak to us.
Rochester NH Pride 2017- Sat, August 26th 1 - 4 PM
Friday, July 14, 2017
Rochester NH Pride 2017
Saturday, August 26th, 1- 4 PM
The Rochester Museum of Fine Arts invites the LGBTQ+ community (and those who love them) to Hanson Street and Central Square, in downtown Rochester, for a free public pride celebration on Saturday, August 26th, 2017 from 1-4pm, with remarks at 3:30pm. Our mission is to promote unity, visibility, inclusivity, equality, and a positive image of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ+) community.
This event is made possible by Rochester Main Street (supported in part by a grant from the New Hampshire State Council On The Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.) An informal "after party" gathering will take place around 4pm at The Garage at the Governor's Inn.
Visit for more information. Vendor applications are available now. Contact with questions.
Activist Appreciation Cookout-Saturday, August 5th, 1 - 4 PM
Activist Appreciation Cookout
Saturday, August 5 at 1 PM - 4 PM
415 Coffin Brook Road, Alton (Home of Michelle and Drew Carter Show Map
POTLUCK CONTEST: A special prize goes to the most creative “Resistance”-themed potluck dish! IM-PEACH-MINT TEA will be provided!
If your last name begins with A through H, please bring a main dish to pass for each plate. If your last name begins with I through P, please bring a side dish to share with everybody. If your last name begins with Q through Z, please bring a dessert, sweet as can be!
Bring Your Own Beverage
GAMES: ● “Bernie” Badminton ● “Hillary” Horseshoes ● “Electoral College” Egg Toss● “Conway” Corn Hole ● “45” 3-Legged Race ● “Bannon” Basketball ● “Spicer” Scavenger Hunt ● “Alternative Facts” Trivia Everyone leaves with a parting “Resistance” gift. RSVP by 7/29 and your name will be entered into a drawing for a special gift basket!
GAMES: ● “Bernie” Badminton ● “Hillary” Horseshoes ● “Electoral College” Egg Toss● “Conway” Corn Hole ● “45” 3-Legged Race ● “Bannon” Basketball ● “Spicer” Scavenger Hunt ● “Alternative Facts” Trivia Everyone leaves with a parting “Resistance” gift. RSVP by 7/29 and your name will be entered into a drawing for a special gift basket!
Moose Mountain Area Dem Daylilies & Democrats-Sat July 22nd 4-7PM
Moose Mountain Area Democrats
Sat, Jul 22, 2017, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
195 Governors Rd, Brookfield, NH 03872, USA
Donations are welcome.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters To Keynote For July 23rd SCDC Picnic
Congresswoman Maxine Waters
for the SCDC Summer Picnic
Please join us for food and solidarity and to meet and hear from our local candidates.
Date; Sunday, July 23,2017
Time: 12:00 -- 3:00 PM
Place: Miller Farm 51 Miller Road New Durham, NH
Tickets are only $20 per person prepaid
$25 at the gate,
$10 for Students and children 12 and older
and $45 for a family.
Vegetarian and gluten-free options available!
You can count on every cent of our net proceeds going to elect Strafford County Democratic Candidates! Every election is important but this election could be the pivotal event determining where our country goes and what values are represented.
Sponsor the picnic for just $125 or whatever you want to donate. Sponsors will be posted on our appreciation board at the picnic, be posted on the Strafford County Democratic Committee website (with your approval). Sponsorships over $125 include 2 tickets. We are also offering a Seasonal Sponsorship for $300 or more which will get you tickets to all three upcoming events.
If you know of anyone that you think would be a sponsor please let us know! Or, If you are interested in sponsoring the event but have questions please contact us at scdc@straffordcountydemocrats. org.
The preferred payment method is by check. They can be mailed to;
Strafford County Democratic Committee, PO Box 247, Dover NH 03821.
You can also buy tickets using a credit card via ActBlue at donate/picnicscdc2017
Ticket Sales will not be accepted online or thru the mail after July 19th. Tickets will be sold at the gate depending on availability.
Email any questions to scdc@straffordcountydemocrats. org. @SCDCNHDems
Save The Date-SCDC Picnic- Sunday, July 23rd, 12 - 3PM
Friday, June 23, 2017
The Strafford County Democratic Committee will once again be holding our Annual Picnic to raise funds for our efforts to elect Democratic candidates in Strafford County. Please join us for food and solidarity and to meet and hear from our local candidates.
Date: Sunday, July 23,2017
Time: 12:00 -- 3:00 PM
Place: Miller Farm
51 Miller Road
New Durham, NH
See the event on Facebook
Tickets are only $20 per person prepaid $25 at the gate, $10 for Students and for children 12 and older and $45 for a family.
The money raised after expenses from our event will help pay for our mailings to all Strafford County Democrats and undeclared voters, as well as on voter registration efforts, handouts, and local candidate support via the City and Town Committees. This is going to be a great opportunity to catch up with old Democratic friends and meet new ones.
Mingle and meet while enjoying delicious locally sourced burgers and hot dogs, homemade salads and desserts. Catch up with what other county Democrats are doing and get to hear firsthand where your candidates stand on the issues.
Vegetarian and gluten-free options available!
You can count on every cent of our net proceeds going to elect Strafford County Democratic Candidates! Every election is important but this election could be the pivotal event determining where our country goes and what values are represented. We'll also be having 50/50 raffles so make sure you bring cash and make sure you get your tickets early!
Sponsor the picnic for just $125 or whatever you want to donate. Sponsors will be posted on our appreciation board at the picnic, be posted on the Strafford County Democratic Committee website (with your approval). Sponsorships over $125 include 2 tickets.
We are also offering a Seasonal Sponsorship for $300 or more which will get you tickets to all three upcoming events. If you know of anyone that you think would be a sponsor please let us know! Or, If you are interested in sponsoring the event but have questions please contact us at scdc@straffordcountydemocr
The preferred payment method is by check. They can be mailed to; Strafford County Democratic Committee, PO Box 247, Dover NH 03821.
You can also buy tickets using a credit card via ActBlue at https://
Email any questions to scdc@straffordcountydemocr
Tri-Town Dems Meeting-July13, 6:30 PM Emma Ramsey Center, Milton
Our next Tri-Town Dems meeting will be July13th at 6:30 PM at the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton. Please note the change in time from our regular meeting time of 7PM to 6:30PM. We may have a few guests, TBD. The agenda should be ready the beginning on next week. See you soon!
Remembering Nancy Johnson
Nancy K. Johnson, age 67, of Farmington Road in Milton, N.H., died quietly at home, Thursday, June 8, 2017. Born July 7, 1949 in Paterson, New Jersey, she was the daughter of Doris I. (DuPree) and Harry K. Johnson.
Nancy was a resident of Milton for many years.
She graduated from W.T. Woodson High School in Annandale, Va., and received her undergraduate and Masters Degree in Sociology from the University of Memphis. Although she never finished her Ph.D., she did the course work at the University of Connecticut.
Nancy had a number of jobs in banking and insurance. She had her own lobbying firm. She enjoyed politics and working with her clients.
She had been active with the Town of Milton, serving on the Planning Board, the ZBA, Economic Development Committee, a Cemetery Trustee and a Library Trustee. She served in the New Hampshire House of Representative for eight years.
Nancy was also a lover of animals, both domestic and wildlife. She encouraged all wildlife to come to her yard, including deer, turkeys, mallards and groundhogs.
Survived by her three cats and best friends, Jack, Harry and Summer. Predeceased by her parents and her brother Bruce C. Johnson. SERVICES: As per her request, there will be no services.
Nancy encourages friends to make a donation in her memory to the Humane Society of the United States or the American Lung Association . Cremation care by Peaslee Funeral Home, 24 Central Street, Farmington, N.H., to express condolences, please visit:
She graduated from W.T. Woodson High School in Annandale, Va., and received her undergraduate and Masters Degree in Sociology from the University of Memphis. Although she never finished her Ph.D., she did the course work at the University of Connecticut.
Nancy had a number of jobs in banking and insurance. She had her own lobbying firm. She enjoyed politics and working with her clients.
She had been active with the Town of Milton, serving on the Planning Board, the ZBA, Economic Development Committee, a Cemetery Trustee and a Library Trustee. She served in the New Hampshire House of Representative for eight years.
Nancy was also a lover of animals, both domestic and wildlife. She encouraged all wildlife to come to her yard, including deer, turkeys, mallards and groundhogs.
Survived by her three cats and best friends, Jack, Harry and Summer. Predeceased by her parents and her brother Bruce C. Johnson. SERVICES: As per her request, there will be no services.
Nancy encourages friends to make a donation in her memory to the Humane Society of the United States or the American Lung Association . Cremation care by Peaslee Funeral Home, 24 Central Street, Farmington, N.H., to express condolences, please visit:
TriTown Democrats Meeting, New Durham Library, June 8th
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Just a quick reminder that the Tri Town Democrats will be meeting at the New Durham Library at 7pm on Thursday, June 8th. Tentative agenda below.
Call to Order
Guest Speaker
Secretary's Report
Treasurer's Report
Digital and Social Media Report
Old Business:
Scheduling Upcoming Guest Speakers
Strafford County Committee
New Durham Day/Farmington Hay Day/Milton Pride Day
New Business:
Milton Vote Reimburse/ Milton All Call
Rochester Team Building
Strafford County Dems
Survey Results
NHDP Convention
Farmington Economic Development
Upcoming Events
Digital and Social Media Report
Old Business:
Scheduling Upcoming Guest Speakers
Strafford County Committee
New Durham Day/Farmington Hay Day/Milton Pride Day
New Business:
Milton Vote Reimburse/ Milton All Call
Rochester Team Building
Strafford County Dems
Survey Results
NHDP Convention
Farmington Economic Development
Upcoming Events
Save The Date- NHDP MidTerm Convention-Saturday Sept 16th
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Please save the date for the 2017 NHDP Midterm Convention on Saturday, September 16, 2017.
According to the NHDP Constitution, Chapter 8 Amending the Constitution:
A. Any registered New Hampshire Democrat may submit amendments to the Constitution in writing to the Rules Committee, at least ninety (90) days prior to the Midterm Convention or the State Convention if a Midterm Convention was not held in the previous odd-numbered year. Any and all amendments must be submitted to the Rules Committee for its recommendation to the Party.
To review the NHDP Constitution, please click here.
To submit changes to the Rules Committee, please email those proposed amendments to no later than 11:59 PM on Sunday June 18.
More details to come, including trainings offered, location, timing, etc- check back the NHDP website for more information as it becomes available.
SCDC Meeting Wednesday, May 17th Rollins House, Governor's Inn
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
To All from the Strafford County Democratic Committee EC:
On Wednesday, May 17, the SCDC will meet at the Rollins House at the Governor's Inn on Wakefield Street in Rochester, New Hampshire at 6:30pm. A SCDC EC meeting will be held just before the regular meeting(6pm). At the regular meeting we will be discussing the specifics of the coordinated campaign with Erin Turmelle and ask that any of you who participated attend with your comments and questions about how we can be more effective in the future. We also hope to hear from Harman as to his plans for canvassing this coming year.
We will be staffing our standing committees and committees for upcoming events. You need not be a member of the SCDC EC to participate in these committees.
Finally, we will schedule a workshop to discuss how we can capitalize on the results of our recent survey to set the direction of our committee during the next two years.
We look forward to seeing you there.
SCDC May 2017 Caucus Written Recap & Photos
On Saturday the SCDC had their caucus for electing officers to the county committee for the upcoming cycle. It was well attended and was conducted very efficiently. It was wonderful to connect with so many local, progressive activists. Several members including myself, were not interested in running for another term. I've served several times over the years and though I think it is a very important time to be on the SCDC, I don't have the time to put toward this year's very ambitious response to the challenges we face in Strafford County. We need people who can make that commitment and pull everything together.
NH Progressive Summit-Embracing The New Wave-Sat June 17th
Thursday, May 11, 2017

This annual event provides space for new and existing activists to come together and hear from inspiring keynote speakers, as we collectively learn, train, and mobilize for the many issue and electoral challenges and opportunities we face together.
Last year’s NH Progressive Summit theme was “Standing on the Brink.” This year’s theme is “Embracing the New Wave.” It's time for a new, bold, progressive vision and community. We'll learn from past experiences and embrace the new opportunities in front of us to build a stronger, more united, more articulate progressive community and world. Whether it’s advancing pro-active legislation at the state and federal level, guarding against conservative rhetoric, or challenging corporate political corruption of our legislative and electoral process – the 2017 NH Progressive Summit will provide context and action to move forward together.
SCDC Meeting Wed April 26th-SCDC Caucus Saturday May 13th
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
From the SCDC EC:
join us for a meeting of the SCDC on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 in the
large upstairs room at the Durham Public Library at 6:30 pm. At that
time we are hoping to have Amy Kennedy, new NHDP Chair and other NHDP
officials present to answer any questions you may have about the NHDP in
the upcoming year.
be sure to mark your calendars for the Strafford County Caucus to be
held Room 323, McConnell Center, Dover on Saturday,
May 13, 2017 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am.
2017 Recap Earth Day Rallies & Protests-March 4 Science
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Earth Day observance and the March 4 Science were so far above the predictable, hum drum festivities and protests that mark this very important day each year, we though it very important to leave a blog record of the events of the day. It seems being a a part of an era that openly diminishes human rights, education, science, and the environment, has finally knocked many more people out of their self oriented, dumbed- down, consumerist sleep walk. Below are some of the best stories, signs, videos, and links from the day. May each Earth Day after this bring forward even more perspective, self evaluation, opportunities for learning, and a greater appreciation for education, science, our planet, and the flora and fauna that inhabit this diverse, complex, interdependent biosphere floating through space.
Hundreds join Occupy NH Seacoast’s March for Science
Earth Day 2017’s Campaign is Environmental & Climate Literacy
Thousands Across US & The Globe March 4 Science In Defiance Of Donald Trump
Why the March for Science Matters to Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
About to cross the Harvard bridge and people are honking in support 👍 #MarchforScienceBoston— CellPressNews (@CellPressNews) April 22, 2017
Yay SCIENCE!#marchforscience— Andru Volinsky (@AndruVolinsky) April 22, 2017
Dover Dems Celebrate 10th Annual Franklin And Eleanor Dinner, April 22nd
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
10th Annual Franklin & Eleanor Dinner
Please join us for this special 10th Anniversary Dinner on Saturday, April 22, 2017, at 6 PM at the Hellenic Center, 219 Long Hill Rd. in Dover. Keynote speakers will be Devon Chaffee, Executive Director, ACLU-NH and Jennifer Frizzell, VP of Policy-NH, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England.
All proceeds from the dinner directly support Democratic candidates and activities of the Dover Democratic Committee--an all-volunteer organization.
Our greatly expanded silent auction will tempt you with items such as a Languedoc-inspired, French dinner; a narrated, historic tour of the Cochecho River; a custom tile backsplash; half-day, fly-fishing for two; a sailboat cruise on the Maine coast; original art; Wayne Newland photographs; a beginner's harp lesson; wine basket; gift cards of all types; and many more unique items. Bring cash or your checkbook for items offered at the silent auction.
Dinner includes a variety of entrees and side dishes as well as intriguing appetizers and decadent desserts. Cash bar. Dinner Tickets, $30 per person. Sponsorships, $100. Admission for one person is included with each sponsorship. New this year: Table Sponsorships, $500, include tickets for 8 and reserved seating. Table Sponsorships are a prime opportunity for you or your business to express additional support for the work being done to uphold our Democratic values.
This dinner sold out last year! Buy your tickets now, and enjoy a stimulating evening among like-minded friends and neighbors. For further information please email:
SCIENCE, NOT SILENCE-Saturday, April 22nd March for Science- Portsmouth NH
The March for Science is an international movement, led by organizers distributed around the globe. This movement is taking place because of the simultaneous realization by thousands of people who value science in their lives that staying silent is no longer an option. There are marches being planned across the United States and internationally - here in Portsmouth, we will rally to support the March for Science at our statehouse in Concord and the marchers across the globe.
The March for Science demonstrates our passion for science and sounds a call to support and safeguard the scientific community. Recent policy changes have caused heightened worry among scientists. The incredible and immediate outpouring of support has made clear that these concerns are also shared by the support of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
The mischaracterization of science as a partisan issue, which has given policymakers permission to reject overwhelming evidence, is a critical and urgent matter. It is time for people who support scientific research and evidence-based policies to take a public stand and be counted.
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