2017 Recap Earth Day Rallies & Protests-March 4 Science

Earth Day observance and the March 4 Science were so far above the predictable, hum drum festivities and protests that mark this very important day each year, we though it very important to leave a blog record of the events of the day. It seems being a a part of an era that openly diminishes human rights, education, science, and the environment, has finally knocked many more people out of their self oriented, dumbed- down, consumerist sleep walk. Below are some of the best stories, signs, videos, and links from the day. May each Earth Day after this bring forward even more perspective, self evaluation, opportunities for learning, and a greater appreciation for education, science, our planet, and the flora and fauna that inhabit this diverse, complex, interdependent biosphere floating through space.


Hundreds join Occupy NH Seacoast’s March for Science