The Gift Of Giving

Affordable Health Care Informational Session to be Held in Milton

Contact: Susann Foster Brown
603 652 4306 or

Check out health insurance options with real people.

Milton, NH – Find out how the new health care law provides new insurance options for you and your family from 1–3pm at the Emma Ramsey Community Center in Milton. There will be trained assisters providing an overview of the Marketplace, who is eligible, how to enroll, and options for those with limited incomes. The free and friendly event will have options to talk with real people and ask health insurance questions.
If you do not have affordable insurance, or are concerned about losing your insurance in 2014, this event will help you understand what your new options are. Representatives from local organizations: Cognosante, Avis Goodwin, and the State Employees Association of NH will provide a brief presentation and then engage in a question and answer session. Information will be provided on sign-up assistance, including upcoming enrollment fairs and the opportunity to set up in-person and local assistance for enrollment.

What: ACA (Obamacare) Educational Event
Where: Emma Ramsey Community Center, 424 White Mtn Hwy (Rte 125), Milton, NH
When: Sunday, December 8, 2013, 1–3 pm
Who: Open to the public

The session is co-sponsored by the Town Democratic Committees of Milton, Farmington, and New Durham. If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Joe Cicirelli, Certified Application Councilor, State Employees Association, 603-271-3411. X119 or