One Action NH & ME Calendar

A Great tool and resource to help keep track of activities of progressive political interest in NH & ME. Check out the One NH Calendar for "...actions on civil rights, human rights, LGBTQ support, workers rights, environmental justice and more." You can submit your own events or subscribe to receive updates from other contributors.

Thank Democrats-Vote Free Or Die Bumper Stickers-Buy Now!

The Vote Free or Die bumper sticker is now available online to purchase. Buy one or buy them in bulk and raise money for your group! Visit Thank Democrats On Facebook

SCDC Fall Social Oct 22nd- Sen Bernie Sanders Keynote

Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)
Sunday, October 22, 2017 from 4-6:30 p.m.
The American Legion Hall
551 Foundry Street, Rollinsford, NH
join us for
Hors d'ouevres / Live Music / Cash Bar
Tickets:  $25 per person
(Save $5.00 and purchase your tickets by noon on Thursday, October 19, 2017)
We should have the ActBlue site activated for tickets soon.  If you mail your check no later than Monday to PO Box 247, Dover, NH 03820, we should receive it in time.  View the Event

​Tri-Town Democrats Sponsor Talk On Climate Change Oct 27th

We will host Dan Weeks on Friday, October 27, 6:00 PM for a Climate Change talk at the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton. 

New Hampshire is notorious for the high cost of electricity and our reliance on 85% imported fossil fuels, which cost the average NH household $11,500 a year and severely affect our environment, economy, and public health. The NH legislature and PUC recently made a series of policy decisions around net metering, rebates, etc. that will significantly impact NH's energy future. 

On October 27, at 6:00 PM in the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton, the TriTown Democrats welcome a presentation by Dan Weeks, a board member of ReVision Energy. Dan will speak about these policies and the pathways to energy independence as a state through solar and complementary breakthrough technologies. ReVision Energy is a local Certified Benefit Corp working with families, businesses, and policymakers to accelerate the transition to homegrown renewable energy and energy efficiency. ReVision considers public education an important part of their mission, and have made presentations to Rotaries, Chambers of Commerce, and other community organizations in the past. 
You can read some of Dan's recent writings on climate change and clean energy in The Concord Monitor  at