Local Workshop-July 12th 9:30-12:30, Creating A Cohesive Message
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
We invite you to a Candidate Training Workshop on Saturday, July 12, 2014, from 9:30 - 12:30 PM at the Emma Ramsey Center, Route 125, in Milton. Sponsored by The Tri Town Democrats (Farmington, Milton, and New Durham)
Creating a Cohesive Candidate Message that Attracts and Keeps Voters
Candidates for local office often struggle with how to craft messages that will resonate with their potential voters. The broad messages at the national level can help but also can drown out your campaign and leave voters in the dark about who you really are as a candidate and as a person. In this workshop, you will explore how to use the progressive narrative to craft positive messages that will not only resonate with voters but also will showcase your values as a candidate. You will be able to use your messages to give short speeches, develop candidate introductory flyers, add content to your website or Facebook page, and write effective and positive letters to the editor. This workshop is appropriate for all candidates, campaign managers, campaign volunteers, and anyone interested in developing a positive message that promotes an America that works for all of us.
Light refreshments will be served.
For more information, contact the Farmington Democrats at FarmingtonNHDemocrats@gmail.com
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