Milton Dems Caucus Tomorrow - March 10!

  All registered democratic voters in Milton are cordially invited to join the Milton Town Democratic Committee for our 2013 caucus and early supper potluck on Sunday, March 10, 3:00 p.m. at the Emma Ramsey Center, 424 White Mountain Hwy.

We'll start with our short business meeting where we vote for Milton Democratic Committee officers and for Milton’s delegate to the 2013 Midterm and 2014 State Convention and to the county Democratic committee.   We'll enjoy the opportunity to get to know like-minded voters in your own home town.

The potluck will follow and we'll have plenty of time to discuss the issues of the day, the focus the committee members wish to take, possible actions, and the hopes for our community and the nation. Do we want to act as a committee to support local efforts like “End 68 Hours of Hunger” or provide labor for the Farm Museum’s clean-up day?  What other efforts might we choose to help our Milton community?

Bring ideas, your own plate and silverware, and a dish to share!

I really hope you will make it a priority to attend.  There are so many challenges for us to address – more active members lighten the work load and makes it possible for us to be a local force for good.

For more information contact: Susann Foster Brown, or 603 652 4306.